You Going My Way? (About this image) A Moose stubbornly blocking the trail in Grand Tetons National Park, WY. I forgot I had a 4 year expired color slide film in the K1000 and thought it was a B&W roll, monochrome conversion done PP in Photoshop. Share This Story 9 Responses to “You Going My Way?” rian December 15th, 2009 well, it still came out great.. this is one fine capture.. 🙂 Reply sherri December 15th, 2009 What a sight! They're such a unique creature. Reply Turnbill December 15th, 2009 Love how the processing turned out on this – gave it a very old look – like early B&W postcards from out west. Reply Nick December 15th, 2009 Works well centered. Lots of interesting layers in this image. Reply BoB December 15th, 2009 I like the way it looks at you, very nice B&W Reply david December 15th, 2009 wonderful capture and a fabulous thing to happen upon. Reply Terry H. December 16th, 2009 Not the prettiest animal in North America but you shot is. Cool shot! Reply Susan December 19th, 2009 Great catch! Love the b&w treatment! Reply Ruhh February 13th, 2010 Great shot. I haven't seen a moose in a long time and I guess this will have to do for a while. I'm curious now to see the colour version 🙂 Reply Share Your Thoughts Click here to cancel reply. Name (required) Mail (required) (will not be published) Website Δ
Turnbill December 15th, 2009 Love how the processing turned out on this – gave it a very old look – like early B&W postcards from out west. Reply
Terry H. December 16th, 2009 Not the prettiest animal in North America but you shot is. Cool shot! Reply
Ruhh February 13th, 2010 Great shot. I haven't seen a moose in a long time and I guess this will have to do for a while. I'm curious now to see the colour version 🙂 Reply
well, it still came out great.. this is one fine capture.. 🙂
What a sight! They're such a unique creature.
Love how the processing turned out on this – gave it a very old look – like early B&W postcards from out west.
Works well centered. Lots of interesting layers in this image.
I like the way it looks at you, very nice B&W
wonderful capture and a fabulous thing to happen upon.
Not the prettiest animal in North America but you shot is. Cool shot!
Great catch! Love the b&w treatment!
Great shot. I haven't seen a moose in a long time and I guess this will have to do for a while.
I'm curious now to see the colour version 🙂