Looking down river in the Grand Canyon.
We went yard sale shopping on the weekend and found what was technically my first camera, an original, mint condition Pentax K1000. I found one of these cameras when I was very young, sitting by a stream in a National Park in Western Australia. I had it all the way up till I was 17 when I gave it away to a then girlfriend for her art class (d’oh!!!). When I eventually got back into photography and started photoblogging about 4 years ago, the thought of getting one these cameras again has been on my mind. Well, finally got it and for $25 too 🙂
24 Responses to “Timeless”
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Old camera but beautiful shots ! 🙂
I had personally an Olympus OM1 …
Timeless and powerful. Nice work.
Love the light on the walls. And are those “waves”???
Great shot…don't let that camera ever get away from you. The location is like the one they show in commercials and movies..lovely.
Love the dark tones and contrasts in this picture. Great mountains and beautiful landscape.
Just amazing what those older cameras are still able to do, Will! I'm sure it helped that it was in YOUR hands! 🙂
love the perspective as always. and the waves… wow.
hold on to that camera now. 🙂
How fun! I just shot my first two rolls on my new holga, can't wait to see what comes out. This image of yours is rich.
This is a fine canyon shot. I like the strong black and white photography and excellent processing.
You have a tremendous collection of pictures. The mood of this image is very dramatic
Love the tonal range, beautiful shot!
Great perspective you got with an old camera.
Beautiful B&W landscape shot.
I'm surprised at the waves too. So amazing in greyscale. (Gave it to a girl:-) Glad you found another one and for such a great price.
A splendid B&W!
Such a contrast with the colorful previous image, but this works just as well. Impressive!
love dark tone and contrast. gives the impression of a secret beach to me. i still have all of my old cameras. Sigh, if I only had a good film scanner though..
beautiful scenery, it's a good thing you had the tools to capture it.. 🙂
wonderful details/tones in this shot …
Very serene snap – makes me want to be there.
Timeless, yes indeed….gorgeous shot of an even more gorgeous country. That's a big sky area! How was the NINs gig?
A beautiful image.
Wonderful photo…I could stare at this for hours, Will!
here, we understand that it's not the material that make the photograph.. bravo, it's wonderful