So yesterdays trip out didn’t go as expected, I hit dense clouds at 11,000ft (hint: don’t wander too far from your tent looking fire wood in the clouds, can’t see a damn thing!) and the sunrise over Bear Track lake was obscured by clouds this morning. Got a couple of interesting shots going up though, these bristlecone pines can live over 1,600 years, for a comparison, some these trees were saplings at the end of the Roman empire, pretty neat eh?
16 Responses to “Old Guardian”
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Wow, your gallery is amazing and a great source of inspiration. I've linked to you.
I love how you captured this pine.
Great misty feeling. A very powerful tree image. I like!!
nice shot, lovely ambiance
I love the contrast between the sharpness of the tree and the fog in the background. Simply beautiful!
Like this atmosphere.. Captured nicely..
Looks like a storm is gathering up. The top is a bit wiped out ….but a nice shot..
Great shot with atmosphere, love it !
Beautiful shot, Will! I love the fog.
Nice one
that's one old tree – and one great photo!
This is not only composed well, the exposure couldn't possibly be better. This one is a great one man!
You've found an excellent specimen with character for this tree portrait and it looks especially good in the mist. The light is very nice too – a sort of an atmospheric glow.
Love the fog. There's always a feeling of mystery with fog/mist.
Wonderful atmosphere with this fog.
Love the atmosphere this foggy shot gives. Great composition.
What a beautiful old tree. The fog makes it all the more extraordinary.