Mountain Goats scrambling their way across the side of Mt. Evans. We took a late Saturday drive up North Americas highest paved road to the top of Mt. Evans, a beautiful sunset and lighting. Whenever I’m up at altitude it’s either a lovely clear sunny day or I have an oppressive storm bearing down on me, this is one of the rare times I’ve been in and above the clouds, truly magical.
15 Responses to “Mountain Climber”
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Love the depth in the image. How far away were they?
Amazing shot! This is awesome!
Interesting shot!
this is marvellous – a terrific capture and great backdrop!
Wahou, wonderful capture 🙂
I agree, the clouds above the landscape, as well as those moving through the valley, make it truly magical.
This captures the essence of the mountains. Nice work, Will!
really truly magic moment there on the top of the land! It seems that the goats didn't get bothered by your presence
Looks like a cold barren peak just there and I've never seen goats with such a thick coat of fur before. You can certainly sense the height of the location here too.
Amazing details and beautiful background view ! Nicely done.It must had been great to go there take picture…
Awesome shot! Cute animals :-). Nature looks great there…
Great shot! Beautiful mood and dramatic light, and the mountain goats look amazing!
Thanks for the recent visits & comments!
This is beautiful. I love the sky, the land and the goats, nice capture!
Wonderfull capture ! Love it.
I think it shows the spirit of friendship and sticking together