Flaming Gorge, Utah, down river from the starting place for John Wesley Powells 1869 Grand Canyon expedition.
Ilford Delta 100.
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Flaming Gorge, Utah, down river from the starting place for John Wesley Powells 1869 Grand Canyon expedition.
Ilford Delta 100.
Infinite landscape… I love the compos and the format, the grain too!
impressive b/w!!
I like the treatment used here it's a grand view!
nice work capturing this fantastic view! film rules! 😀
Love the light and feeling of distance. What a great name, Flaming Gorge!!
I can hear the wind howling over there plains. Impressive
absolutely gorgeous. great light.
A marvellous landscape, specially in B&W
Such interesting formations and a great capture.
Beautiful photography, the process is beautiful, a great job.
Excellent in black and white – with the nice grainy sky !
a beautiful vista and the grainy darkening sky is lovely.
to quote a line from a Gregory Peck movie … It's A Big Country!
Spectacular landscape. Beautiful.
I imagine the surface of Mars could be like this. Well except for the grass. Amazing shot.
could be an anseln adams!
such a beautiful landscape !
very nice landscape shot. like the grainish tones you applied here, very nice processed in BW
gives the feel of the size of the mountain range. great landscape.
Fantastic panorama. I like the noise 🙂
stunning shot!
Stunning landscape shot, I m sure the color version of this will be equally breathtaking.
Beautiful look! I could see that one framed!
what a breathtaking view, so beautiful in b&w
Spectacular landscape ! I think i'm going to plan a trip in Utah.
Beautiful landscape with fantastic processing. It looks almost like a painting.
Very nice landscape. The grain was obtained from processing, or from the original shot?
Impressive and stunning landscape image Will. Perfectly captured, beautiful and perfect layers.
what a magnificent scene you've captured.