The restored Section House at the top of Boreas Pass, Colorado.
This shot was taken back in July but we again today revisited the buildings that were built in 1882 to house the towns population of 150 who serviced the mining railroad to Breckenridge. The buildings stand at an elevation of 11,500ft and once had the highest post office in North America, they were abandoned in 1937.
27 Responses to “Hard Living”
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Une belle ouverture, ciel, vent, nuages, quelle ambiance !
Great view and great sky. Love the foreground grass. Is that Ice on he right?
truly awesome – the wide angle works well, the buildings are fascinating, and that sky looks like one massive cloud about to fall.
the clouds falling off into darkness & the wide angle shot of this shot gives it a very dramatic effect.. great composition as well.. awesome.. 🙂
You truly chose the perfect view point of this shot and the tones are wonderful.
Amazing perspective, love the angle of this shot
Strong ominous atmosphere!
awesome shot Will! love your perspective and colors. beautiful!
Beautiful country, love this old house and the landscape. The tones and sky really add to a great composition.
very dramatic! There's some heavy weather coming.
What a nice place! I could even live in a place like this with an internet connection:) No need for the concrete-jungle
Nice mood presented here.
I really like how the clouds appear so close to the ground.
Une tr
What a beautiful place. I'd love to rent it out for the summer and just sit and relax in the peace and quiet.
I love the mood here. The dark tones work so well with this image.
Terrific mood and color…
I've been attempting to post a comment since you posted this image and haven't been able to. It's gorgeous.
une chappe de plomb sur une sensation de libert
Awesome. Great composition. Nothing around except grass and clouds. Great picture of a desolate place
beautiful dramatic scene
This kinda reminds me of the Wild Wild West and how rough of a life they had it in surviving. Actually, this feels soulful to me. I think I had to really rough it in a past life, Will. 🙂
love the clouds great capture
Hey, a wonderful slice of Colorado history. I like the high altitude storm clouds. Nice work.
Wonderful moody clouds…this is a great find
fantastically edited.. work done on curves is excellent
I wouldn't mind this sort of hard living in such a place! :O)