Edge of the Dunes

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Edge of the Dunes

Great Sand Dunes, CO.
Back from our trip to frozen Wyoming and the Tetons, hopefully a lot of good shots will be coming back from the film lab. We had a very memorable Thanksgiving, we spent a lot of the day digging the 4×4 out of snow ditch on a forest road with a dog food bowl, I was lured by the promise of a mountain lake, it was not to be 🙁

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21 Responses to “Edge of the Dunes”

  1. Thomas

    Awesome image. The angle of the shot indicates you must be standing on a sund dune higher than this one that you photograhed. How high were you !!

  2. grant

    sounds like quite a trip! i'm looking forward to the pics. this image is stunning, has a sense of movement in the still landscape.


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