Ilford FP4 on the Holga, I think it was a 6 second exposure.
Had a frantic day back and forward to the photo lab, trying to get some prints and frames ready for a show I have a couple of pieces in, it’s opening later in the month. There’s a ton to do, business cards, revised bio, frames etc. A little nerve racking really, but good fun 🙂
6 Responses to “Drowning”
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Upon first glance i didnt know what to think but then i realised it was a brilliant holga shot.
stunning work.
Nice “wild” shot. Love it.
I'm really not a Holga fan, but this is really neat. Nice water motion.
Nice shot and good luck with the show!
very nice black and white tones. The soft blur is great here.
This is great. i've thought about using my Holga for long exposure. I'll have to try it now.