Scenes from last spring, dug up from the archives. I felt this image was rather appropriate today, looking out the window today at the 2ft of snow on the ground. When the weather is like it is during the winter, it amazes me how the mountains thrive with life in the spring.
17 Responses to “Dreaming of Spring”
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Great colors and DOF. The bench is a very nice touch, lifting the image out of the ordinary.
I have to agree, great colors and DOF. I've tried taking similar pictures and none turned out as nice as this one. Very well done.
Here in Italy this is a long and gray winter….this shot helps remember me that soon the spring will arrive…
Ah, yes, that's lovely.
Wonderful shot. I really like the angle – makes it exciting!
Me too and what a nice chair in such a lovely field to do the dreaming:-)
Well done Dof..Nice composition..Bravo!
Great capture. The DoF captures the essence of the meadow perfectly.
… and I dream this with you
ouahh…J'aime beaucoup l'
A spring time image in the middle of winter is fun. Nice colors and DOF.
Magnifique ambiance, on entend m
VEry peaceflly photo, and great use of DOF 🙂
I love your title. I think we're all dreaming of Spring! As others have said, the DOF is really nice here. One has the feeling like they are laying in this field 🙂
nice dof, precious colors
Super use of DoF and color. Both give this image great impact.
This is gorgeous Will! I too am dreaming of spring – have had about all the winter that I can stand. Very well done!