Mountain goat on Mt. Evans, Colorado.
Expired Kodak Electrachrome 100. Looks like this guy is ready for Winter 😉
Update: I was just made aware by Nick that I’ve made it into the PhotoBlogs.org Hall of Fame!! Sweet!!
39 Responses to “Caught in the Act”
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Looks a little upset. And congrats on Photoblog Hall of Fame.
Wow, great shot, this guy looks tough. Really like the fur and horns. Impressive shot of this mountain goat.
Such great expression on this goat. You captured a great candid moment here!
A startling image. I don't know whether to run or not. I like the shaggy fur and great detail.
A great shot of this goat with an attitude. I don't think I'd mess with him. Nice shot.
The soft tones work really nicely.
Expired film? Well, what do they know:-) Didn't have any adverse affect on you capturing this splendid creature. Caught in the act of what? No, that's okay, don't tell me…lol…
A beautiful photo.
How adorable! What a great shot.
I sure hope you were far enough away, Will, in case you aggravated him. 😀 I love it!
WoW!!! Beautiful and amazing shot!
Great expression on this goat!!!
Ah its smiling at ya. I love it when they ham it up for the camera. 🙂
nice shot!
very beautiful shot, of an animal i didn't know had grace until now 🙂 congrats on the hall of fame!!!
A l'attaque! tu es parti en courant!
ooh.. niice.. 🙂 nice lighting & expression.. he's about to tell you something..
“i predict you'll be in the photoblogs.org hall of fame”
lol! can't help it.. 😀 congrats!
lol@Rian. Actually I thought something similar.. It looks like he's trying to make conversation with you. Or maybe lure you into a false sense of security before he pounces!
Nice shot.
Wow, I've never seen this animal but this shot is really good!
Weird one, a bit funny too! Was he attacking you?
Ready for a rumble?
Congrats Will. Cool capture…the goat looks dangerous though…
Te mira directamente a la c
Ah ha! Definitely a guilty expression 😉
Wow! Awesome portrait. I like it!
Une belle atmosph
I have to say I have never seen a goat with this expression before! Looks a bit angry! Thank you for the visit & the comment the other day..Your work is amazing! I'll be back;)
Wow. Not something I see every day! This is a really impressive shot. He looks a little irritated though. Hope you got out in time.
Thats one hell of an expression! Excellent colours and details..
I have the feeling this goat has a good sense of humor 🙂 And even if it doesn't you captured it in a way that I thought it did! 🙂
Looks a bit unconfortable… Great shot!
Great action shot.
Love his expression 🙂
what a funny animal
impressionnant de beaut
Great shot! I'm not sure about the goat, he/she looks a bit pissed!
Looks like he is about to attack! Very well done.
He looks a bit peeved that you are there! Well done.
Interesting expression. Nice photo !
Great wildlife capture!
Wonderful wildlife portrait!
Great work.