Photo Gallery: Titan 1 Missile Complex
The Titan 1 missile system or HGM-25A, was the United States most expensive weapon. The construction of these bases has been compared to the building of the Great Pyramids. The underground installations housed three 2 stage ICBM’s and comprise of miles of tunnels with many rooms and terminals. Despite the massive engineering efforts by thousands of people and the millions of tax payers dollars, these underground cities were only operational from 1961 to 1965.
Seeing it Through, to the End
Caught in the Light
Burning Light
Walking Amongst Shadows
These Passages We Walk
Light My Way
Sucking Air
Red Alert
Flood Water
Forbidden Entrance
Sleeping Dragon
Escape Plan
Twice the Exposure
Hidden Level
Where the Air is Still
Sealed In
Dark Descent
Launch Instructions
Underground Power
If the Fall Won’t Kill You…
The Powers That Be
What Nightmares Are Made Of
Give Me Air
At the Corner of Destruction
Oblivion Starts Here
The Long Silence
Calling Major Tom
Subterranean Fantasy
Relight. Me
The Passage of Number Two
To the Brink of Destruction
The Ending
Control of Power
Until the World Ends