Photo Gallery: Landscape & Mountains
This huge genre covers photos from the mountains to the plains and often, the wide view is the backdrop for the main subject of the photo. I try to capture the enormity, presence and sometimes extreme conditions of where I’m shooting. My location in the Colorado Rockies often provides both massive peaks and deep valleys combined with spectacular storms and weather.
Seeing In Color
Full Moon Rising
Swamp Running
Mountain Shelter
Up in the Blue
Swamp Land
Rocky Mountain Summer
Harsh Independence
In the Face of Giants
Wild Grass
The Sunny Side
Sand in My Shoes
Ray of Light
On the Edge of the Deep, I Sleep
Scorching Irons
Riding Through Spring
Where the Wild Things Grow
Wagon Wheel
Two Miles High
Lights in the Sky
The Road to Winter
It’s Lonely Out Here
Before the Freeze
What it All Came Down to
Canyon Sunset
Painting a Desert
A Mountain 4th of July
Platte River Rising
Cold Flow
High Desert Blizzard
Frozen Peaks
Spring Melt
These Desolate Shores
A Mountain Summer
It’s in Our Blood
This is How We Work
A Fall Day
Over the Next Dune
How Long Have I Stood Here
Lost in the Inland Sea
Took a Wrong Turn
High Winds Aloft
Inside Bryce
River Wide
A South Park Winter
Failed Harvest
Red Hot Pokers
Canyon Overlook