I have an addiction. I love old cameras and I love raiding yard sales for bargains. A few weeks back while at one particular yard sale I found a Yashica Lynx-14, it weighs a ton, partly due to its huge, high quality 50mm f/1.4 lens. Being a child of the 60’s it uses PX 625 mercury batteries, so metering with a 1.5v alkaline battery gets interesting. For $5 it’s an absolute bargain.
This photo is another shot from the storm last weekend that came over Mt. Rosalie. Posts might be a bit thin in the coming weeks, I’m heading off back to New Mexico tomorrow, but I’m sure I’ll squeeze in the occasional upload 😉
14 Responses to “Casting a Shadow”
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Fantastic storm image. I can feel the storm around me. Great BW. Love the rocks in the loer right side.
Nice shot. And congrats on your new/old “toy”. I like old cameras too.
The sky seems to be ready to pour – lovely shot and postprocessing…
I love the grainy feel of this, Will. And I'm sure you'll have plenty of photo ops while in NM!
as someone who cant stop buying old cameras either, you have my commiserations. But who can you blame you when they produce terrific shots like this.
I can understand your addiction, I suffer from this as well, although not to the extent of hunting antique cameras down and buying. Regardless, this is a quality image by a skilled shooter.
Really like this shot and treatment. Nice grain.
amazing atmosphere, the rain is coming, well done.
Another amazing shot! Love the capture of the rain to come…that cloud is just awesome! And the earth…beautifully processed in b/w!
Awesome view.
Simplicity and strong atmosphere. Works for me 🙂
this image has a real 3D feeling. The clouds create a huge depth
Like caut in a grainstorm!
Beautiful atmosphere. I can almost feel the storm coming though the image.